Dr. Kumar Amit (DOB 05.05.1981) is currently working as Associate Professor of Geography in Dayanand Anglo-Vedic (PG) College, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, India. He has obtained his B.A. Honours (2001), M.A (2004) & Ph.D (2013) from Department of Geography, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. With four first class, He selected for Indian National Scholarship, Awarded UGC JRF, SRF in Geography. His areas of specialization are Regional Planning & Applied Geography, Aging and Gender Geography. Published One book, more than 80 research papers presented in National and International Seminars and 45 papers published in professional journals and edited volumes. He has more than 13 years’ experience of regular service of teaching at UG, PG, & Ph.D. He contributed various administrative services. He is a member of many reputed geographical societies like Aligarh Muslim University Geographical society, Aligarh, India, NAGI (India), NGSI (Varanasi) and AGS (Allahabad), DGSI (Pune), and BGSI (Kanpur), Regional Science Association, Kolkata and Institute of Regional Development Studies.
From College: Dayanand Anglo-Vedic ( PG ) College , Kanpur