Pre-Ph-D Course work – Music Form Course : Pre-Ph.D. Music Views: 899 Click to rate this Subject! [Total: 2 Average: 4.5]Dr. Shubham Shiva All Classes Lecture 1- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 1- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 2, Part - 1 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 2, Part - 1 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 2, Part - 2 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 2, Part - 2 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 3 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 3 Music Therapy ,by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 4, Musical Instruments by Dr. Ruchimita Pande Lecture 4, Musical Instruments by Dr. Ruchimita Pande Lecture 5- Development of Musical Instruments and their styles by Dr. Ruchimita Pande Lecture 5- Development of Musical Instruments and their styles by Dr. Ruchimita Pande Lecture 6 - Oral Traditions by Dr. Ruchimita Pande Lecture 7- Shruti and Swar by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 7- Shruti and Swar by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 8- Gamak, Kaku and Sthay by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 8- Gamak, Kaku and Sthay by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 9- That and Rag by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 9- That and Rag by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 10- Elements of Aesthetics by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 10- Elements of Aesthetics by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 9- That and Rag by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 9- That and Rag by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 4- Musical Instruments by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 4- Musical Instruments by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 11- Possibility of Research on Rag, Dhyan, and Chitra by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 11- Possibility of Research on Rag, Dhyan, and Chitra by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 12- Music and Ras by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 12- Music and Ras by Dr. Nisha Pathak Lecture 13- Music and Research by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 13- Music and Research by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 14- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 14- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 15 - Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 15 - Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 16- Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 16- Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 17- Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 17- Schools of Vocal and Instruemental Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 18- Thumari and Dadara by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 18- Thumari and Dadara by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 19- Electronic Media, Books, Magazines, Journals by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 19- Electronic Media, Books, Magazines, Journals by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 20- Kalatmak Abhivyakti by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 20- Kalatmak Abhivyakti by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 22- Manuscripts, by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 22- Manuscripts, by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 23- Importance of Museums in Research Studies by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 23- Importance of Museums in Research Studies by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 24- Gharane, Bandishen by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 24- Gharane, Bandishen by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 25- Naad by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 25- Naad by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 26- Shruti tatha Swar by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 26- Shruti tatha Swar by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 27- Gram, Murchhana, Raag, Raag lakshan by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 27- Gram, Murchhana, Raag, Raag lakshan by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 28- Gayan Sahiliyan by Dr. Shalini Tripathi Lecture 28- Gayan Sahiliyan by Dr. Shalini Tripathi Lecture 29- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 29- Research in Music by Dr. G P Gupta Lecture 30- Nibaddha tatha Anibaddha, by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 30- Nibaddha tatha Anibaddha, by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 31- Rasa by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 31- Rasa by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 32- Research Topics and Methods by Dr. Kaveri Tripathi Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 32- Research Topics and Methods by Dr. Kaveri Tripathi Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 33- Research Topics and Methods by Dr. Kaveri Tripathi, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 33- Research Topics and Methods by Dr. Kaveri Tripathi Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 34- Principles and Significance of Aesthetics by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 34- Principles and Significance of Aesthetics by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 35- Taal per Darshan Parak Drishti by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 35- Taal per Darshan Parak Drishti by Dr. Suneeta Dwivedi Lecture 36- Gram aur Murchhana by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 36- Gram aur Murchhana by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 37- Nibaddha aur Anibaddha by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 37- Nibaddha aur Anibaddha by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 38- Modern Trends in Music by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 38- Modern Trends in Music by Dr. Mohini Shukla Lecture 39- Research Methods and Topics by Dr Kaveri Tripathi, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 39- Research Methods and Topics by Dr Kaveri Tripathi, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 40- Research Methods and Topics by Dr Kaveri Tripathi, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 40- Research Methods and Topics by Dr Kaveri Tripathi, Nehru Gram Bharti University, Prayagraj Lecture 41- Manuscripts by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 41- Manuscripts by Dr. Sangeeta Srivastava Lecture 42- Appreciation and Criticism of Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 42- Appreciation and Criticism of Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 43- Preparing Synopsis and Research in Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 43- Preparing Synopsis and Research in Music by Dr. Akanksha Gupta Lecture 44- Basics of Indian Music- Naad by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 44- Basics of Indian Music- Naad by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 45- Research In Music by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 45- Research In Music by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 46- Research topics in Music By Dr. Seema Bansal, Aligarh Lecture 46- Research topics in Music By Dr. Seema Bansal Lecture 47- Shastriya tatha Upshastriya Sangeet By Dr. Seema Bansal, Aligarh Lecture 47- Shastriya tatha Upshastriya Sangeet By Dr. Seema Bansal, Aligarh Lecture 48- Lalit Kalayen tatha Sangeet me Saundarya by Dr. Seema Bansal, Aligarh Lecture 48- Lalit Kalayen tatha Sangeet me Saundarya by Dr. Seema Bansal, Aligarh Lecture 49- Guru Shishya Parampara tatha Gharana Sangeet By Dr. Seema Bansal Lecture 49- Guru Shishya Parampara tatha Gharana Sangeet By Dr. Seema Bansal Lecture 21- Research In Hindustani Music by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey Lecture 21- Research In Hindustani Music by Dr. Ruchimita Pandey