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I am Dr. Deepali Nigam (M.P.Ed., M.Phil., Ph.D., D.N.H.E., Two times N.E.T.), presently working as an Associate Professor & Head, Department of Physical Education, Mahila Mahavidyalaya P.G. College, Kanpur, U.P., India.
Some of the information about me is as follows:
- Received Governor Award for scout and guide.
- Awarded Bronze Medal of Meritorious Student in M.P.Ed. by Vice-Chancellor of Lucknow University.
- Two times representation in Zone Inter-University Kabaddi Tournament from Chhatrapati Sahu Ji Maharaj University, Kanpur North, (U.P.) India.
- Completed Minor Research Project granted by University Grants Commission, New Delhi.
- Actively conducted various activities imparted by the Uttar Pradesh government’s Mission Shakti Abhiyaan for the upliftment of girls students.
- Conducted several Offline and Online Seminars & Workshops, COVID-19 Awareness Programs, Yoga workshops, Posters & quizzes competitions, Blood Donation camps, etc.
- Presented 22 Paper in National & International Seminars.
- 10 Papers Published in Reputed Journals.
- 01 Book of Physical Education, Published by Booklink Publication, New Delhi.