Myself Dr ANIL KUMAR PANDA Professor in Education , D.A-V. COLLEGE, KANPUR ,U.P has received my Education in Odisha universities and I am borne and brought up in Odisha. I completed my Ph.D. in Education in the esteemed institute named CSJM UNIVERSITY KANPUR UP. I successfully guided two research scholars and 5 research scholars have been pursuing Ph.D. under my supervision. More than 30 research papers are published and 15 text books for UG AND PG ,B.Ed.M.Ed. classes have been published. More than 40 papers have been presented by me in different seminars and conferences of national level. I have already delivered guest lectures in more than 10 colleges. I have chaired the seminar as resource person and as Chief speaker. Doing service for mankind and divyangas I received DM award at district level of kanpur. So far as project is concerned, I have already completed a Minor research project sponsored by UGC. I have taken 12 pre Ph.D. classes in Education. In my college,I am officially chairing in Placement cell, Research development cell as Chair person and have been performing my duties wholeheartedly as member in 4 more committees in my parent college named DAV college kanpur UP.