Dr..Mukesh Ranga is Full Time Professor in Institute of Business Management since 2009. He has worked as Director, Institute of Business Management, Dean, Student welfare, Dean, Business Management and proctor of CSJM University, Kanpur (INDIA). He is Editor of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism since 2003. He has published several papers and five books. He is founder Editor of Journal of Applied Economics and Management. He has visited USA, Canada, Vienna, Budapest, Greece, Zurich, Thailand, Japan and London to attend conference as resource person. He has organized several conferences.
For students interested to get guidance to present their paper in conference/Seminar, publish their paper in book/Journal, we are developing Special Interest Group (SIG) from MASS. It is our pleasure to share that our first paper is published in Volume 3 Issue 3, 2022 of Journal of Health Economics and Management Review (HEM) in –
Interested students to be part of SIG and can submit their detail for research support-